Please Note: I am currently on maternity leave and have paused my group coaching services until Fall 2024. I look forward to hopefully working with you soon!

Group coaching for corporations or organizations involves a coach working with a group of individuals to help them collectively achieve specific goals or address common challenges. Unlike individual coaching, group coaching focuses on the dynamics and interactions within the company or organization, fostering collaboration, communication, and teamwork. Group coaching can be a cost-effective way to develop talent, build cohesive teams, and drive organizational success.

What Can You Expect From a Well With Raele Group Coaching Session?

I will share various tools and tips on a communication topic that has been decided beforehand. I will faciliate discussion, Q&A, and at least one breakout activity to enhance the group’s performance, skills, and overall effectiveness. Group sessions are usually 1-2 hours long, and multiple sessions on different topics can be booked as part of a complete package. Sessions can be held in person or virtually.

Interested in More Information?

I would love to hear more about your company or organization and your group’s unique needs. Please complete the following inquiry form and include any relevant information, and I will get back to you within 24 hours. Once we connect, I will put together a comprehensive group coaching proposal for your review.